Borcade SAN Switch常见操作

此文档适合Borcade、OEM Borcade的SAN Switch设备


No.1: 简介

  1. Storage Area Network
    存储区域网络,简称SAN。随着iSCSI技术的推广,现在的SAN架构分为FC SAN和IP SAN,但是目前在提到SAN一般都在FC SAN,这里我们也只讨论FC SAN。
  2. 一个典型的SAN存储的结构图

No.2: 端口

光纤通道也定义了其他一系列不同类别可以用于接收和传输光纤通道数据的端口, 如下

  1. 设备 (节点)端口
    N_Port = Fabric直接连接设备
    NL_Port = Loop连接设备
  2. 交换机端口
    E_Port = 扩展端口 (Switch级联)
    F_Port = Fabric端口
    FL_Port = Fabric Loop端口
    G_Port = 通用(Generic)端口,可以转化为E或F

Brocade SAN Switch日常维护

No.1: 信息查询(巡检)

  1. IP信息查询:ipaddrshow

    san1:admin> ipaddrshow
    Ethernet IP Address:
    Ethernet Subnetmask:
    Fibre Channel IP Address:
    Fibre Channel Subnetmask:
    Gateway Address:
  2. 查看交换机信息及所有端口状态:switchshow

    san1:admin> switchshow
    switchName: moonpac
    switchType: 34.0
    switchState:    Online   
    switchMode: Native
    switchRole: Principal
    switchDomain:   1
    switchId:   fffc01
    switchWwn:  10:00:00:05:1e:02:22:f1
    zoning:         ON (cfg0)
    switchBeacon:   OFF
    Area Port Media Speed State 
      0   0   id    N2   Online    F-Port  20:24:00:a0:b8:26:11:a6
      1   1   id    N2   Online    F-Port  20:25:00:a0:b8:26:11:a6
      2   2   id    N2   Online    F-Port  10:00:00:90:fa:ca:87:02
      3   3   id    N2   Online    F-Port  10:00:00:90:fa:ca:87:03
      4   4   id    N2   No_Light  
      5   5   id    N2   No_Light  
      6   6   id    N2   No_Light  
      7   7   id    N2   No_Light  
      8   8   --    N4   No_Module (No POD License) Disabled
      9   9   --    N4   No_Module (No POD License) Disabled
     10  10   --    N4   No_Module (No POD License) Disabled
     11  11   --    N4   No_Module (No POD License) Disabled
     12  12   --    N4   No_Module (No POD License) Disabled
     13  13   --    N4   No_Module (No POD License) Disabled
     14  14   --    N4   No_Module (No POD License) Disabled
     15  15   --    N4   No_Module (No POD License) Disabled
  3. 查看交换机运行状态: switchstatusshow

    san1:admin> switchstatusshow
    Switch Health Report                        Report time: 01/01/2000 08:35:11 PM
    Switch Name:    moonpac
    IP address:
    SwitchState:    HEALTHY
    Duration:   20:33
    Power supplies monitor  HEALTHY
    Temperatures monitor    HEALTHY
    Fans monitor            HEALTHY
    Flash monitor           HEALTHY
    Marginal ports monitor  HEALTHY
    Faulty ports monitor    HEALTHY
    Missing SFPs monitor    HEALTHY
    Fabric Watch is not licensed
    Detailed port information is not included
  4. 风扇运行状态: fanshow

    san1:admin> fanshow
    Fan 1 is Ok
    Fan 2 is Ok
    Fan 3 is Ok
  5. 当前温度查询: tempshow

    san1:admin> tempshow
    Sensor  State   Centigrade     Fahrenheit
      1 Ok      29         84
      2 Ok      29         84
  6. 电源运行状态: psshow

    san1:admin> psshow
    Power Supply #1 is OK
  7. 错误日志: errdump

  8. Firmware版本信息: firmwareshow

    san1:admin> firmwareshow
    Primary partition:  v5.0.1b
    Secondary Partition:    v5.0.1b
  9. 显示交换机的工作时间: uptime

    san1:admin> uptime
      5:42am  up  3:25,  1 user,  load average: 0.00, 0.00, 0.00
  10. License信息查询: licenseshow

    san1:admin> licenseshow
        Web license
        Zoning license
    san2:admin> licenseshow 
        Obsolete license
        Obsolete license
        Fabric license            //级联License
        Extended Fabric license   //增加信号许可,两级联设备距离超过10KM,两端交换机都需要购买
        Enhanced Frame Redirection license
        Remote Fabric license
        High-Performance Extension over FCIP/FC license
  11. zone的配置信息查询: cfgshow

    san1:admin> cfgshow
    Defined configuration:
     cfg:   cfg0    dsa_fc1; dsa_fc2; dsb_fc1; dsb_fc2
     zone:  dsa_fc1 dsa; fc1
     zone:  dsa_fc2 dsa; fc2
     zone:  dsb_fc1 dsb; fc1
     zone:  dsb_fc2 dsb; fc2
     alias: dsa 1,0
     alias: dsb 1,1
     alias: fc1 1,2
     alias: fc2 1,3
    Effective configuration:
     cfg:   cfg0    
     zone:  dsa_fc1 1,0
     zone:  dsa_fc2 1,0
     zone:  dsb_fc1 1,1
     zone:  dsb_fc2 1,1

No.2: 维护操作

  1. IP设置: ipaddrset

    san1:admin> ipaddrset
    Ethernet IP Address []:
    Ethernet Subnetmask []: 
    Fibre Channel IP Address []: 
    Fibre Channel Subnetmask []: 
    Gateway IP Address []: 
    Issuing gratuitous ARP...Done.
    IP address is being changed...Done.
    Committing configuration...Done.
  2. 自定义交换机名称:switchname newname

    san1:admin> switchname moonpac
    Committing configuration...
  3. 导入许可信息: licenseadd "license-key"

  4. 配置备份: configupload

    • 配置文件备份的作用: 
    • 灾难恢复 
    • 故障诊断及恢复 
    • 恢复一台无效配置的交换机 
    • 修改或者扩展SAN 
    • 恢复意外删除的许可 
    • 恢复或者重配分区配置
    • 需求: 有一台FTP Server.
      san1:admin> configupload
      Protocol (scp or ftp) [ftp]: ftp
      Server Name or IP Address [host]:
      User Name [user]: dream
      File Name [config.txt]: ds4700_cfg.txt
      Upload complete
  5. 配置恢复: configdownload
    先要关闭交换机: switchdisable

    san1:admin> configdownload 
    configDownload: This command may not be executed on an operational switch.
    You must first disable the switch using the "switchDisable" command.
    san1:admin> switchdisable
    san1:admin> configdownload
    Protocol (scp or ftp) [ftp]: ftp
    Server Name or IP Address [host]:
    User Name [user]: dream
    File Name [config.txt]: ds4700_cfg.txt
                             *** CAUTION ***
      This command is used to download a backed-up configuration
      for a specific switch.  If using a file  from a  different
      switch, this file's configuration  settings will  override
      any current switch settings.   Downloading a configuration
      file, which was uploaded  from a different type of switch,
      may cause this switch to fail.  A switch reboot might be
      required for some parameter changes to take effect.
      Do you want to continue [y/n]: y
    download completed.
  6. 修改用户密码: passwd [username]

    san1:admin> passwd
    Changing password for admin
    Enter old password: 
    Enter new password: 
    Password must be between 8 and 40 characters long.
    Enter new password: 
    Re-type new password: 
    passwd: all authentication tokens updated successfully
    Saving password to stable storage.
    Password saved to stable storage successfully.

No.3: 端口操作

SAN Switch关开机


No.1: 关机

  1. 确保所有的主机存储都已关闭.
  2. 登录SAN交换机收集信息
    • 端口信息:switchshow
    • zoning配置信息:cfgshow,zoneshow
    • Licenses信息:licenseshow
  3. 备份配置
  4. 关机:sysshutdown

No.2: 开机

  1. 建议所有的设备SAN Switch最先启动
  2. 检查交换机的级联状态是否正常:
    • 看端口信息:switchshow 级联的端口显示为E-Port
    • 查看交换机的数量:fabricshow 可以看到两台,domain ID不同
  3. 查看zoning配置是否正确
    • 主机存储开启后看LUN映射是否成功
    • cfgshowzoneshow查看并与关机前的收集的信息核对

No.3: 回退方案

  1. 级联失败

    • 检查级联端口FC模块是否良好
    • 检查级联的光纤线是否良好
    • 级联License是否丢失(我觉得不大可能哈)
    • 导入级联license:licenseadd xxxxxxxxx
    • 修改switch domain ID

      san1:admin> switchdisable
      san1c:admin> configure 
        Fabric parameters (yes, y, no, n): [no] yes
          Domain: (1..239) [1] 2                  //这里修改
          R_A_TOV: (4000..120000) [10000] 
          E_D_TOV: (1000..5000) [2000] 
          WAN_TOV: (0..30000) [0] 
          MAX_HOPS: (7..19) [7] 
    • 在要做级联的端口连线,在端口指示灯正常后登录交换机查看级联是否成功
  2. zoning配置损坏
    • 从备份恢复
    • 手动重新配置

SAN Switch高级配置

No.1: 忘记密码时恢复默认密码

1. 重启San Switch。
2. 重启的时候可以注意到有一个提示,4秒内按esc可以中断启动, 进入启动接口模式。
3. 按3 进入到command shell 模式,手动启动系统到单用户模式。
4. 恢复密码并重启san switch。

  1. 串口链接SAN Switch并重启
    moonpac:admin> reboot

  2. 在交换机启动到Press escape within 4 seconds to enter boot interface时在4秒内按Esc进入Boot PROM菜单,一共有3 个选项:

    Press escape within 4 seconds to enter boot interface.
    1) Start system.            //启动系统
    2) Recover password.        //生成支持提供商的字符串,以恢复Boot PROM密码;需要有"Recovery"密码,仅原厂限内部使用;
    3) Enter command shell.     //打开一个可以输入命令的shell
    Option? 3
  3. 输入3进入到command shell模式,通过配置以单用户模式启动设备(其实就是一个嵌入式Linux)

    Option? 3
    Password:   //输入Boot PROM密码,如果没有设置,则会提示"Boot PROM password has not been set",这个密码可以在"command shell"中设置
    > help      //帮助
    Valid commands are:
          auto  Boot per boot environment variable settings
          boot  Boot specified image
          date  Display or set the system date and time
         debug  Hardware debug - General debug utilities
          diag  Hardware tests - Hardware test diagnostics
          help  Display this list of commands
       helpenv  Display help for boot environment variables
          hinv  Display hardware inventory
        passwd  Set the boot modification password
          ping  Ping test
      printenv  Display all boot environment variables
         reset  Reset the system
       resetpw  Remove the boot modification password
        setenv  Set a boot environment variable
       saveenv  Save the current boot environment variables
      unsetenv  Unset a boot environment variable
       version  Display boot version info
    > passwd        //修改Boot PROM密码,这个与恢复系统密码无关.
    Old password: 
    New password: 
    Re-enter new password:
    > saveenv       //保存当前的引导环境变量,不保存重启失效.
    > resetpw       //删除Boot PROM密码,这个与恢复系统密码无关.
    > saveenv
    > printenv      //显示所有引导环境变量,目的是查看switch的系统OSLoader值为多少
    LoadIdentifiers=Fabric Operating System;Fabric Operating System
    OSLoader=ATA()0x10b10;ATA()0x55000  //OS的加载程序(可启动DEVICE),可以看出有两个系统
    OSRootPartition=hda1;hda2           //OS的"/"分区,也有两个
    > boot ATA()0x10b10 -s      //格式为:"boot DEVICE [COMMAND_LINE]":DEVICE一般为OSLoader的第一个值;COMMAND_LINE可以把"-s"更换为"single",与Linux(grub 1.x)何其相似啊
    Booting "Manually selected OS" image.
    Entry point at 0x01000000 ...
    INIT: version 2.78 booting
    sh-2.04#            //已进入单用户模式
    • 启动单用户还有一种设置,原理是一样的,可我做实验失败了,但我同事却在一家客户那边做过,可能版本不同采用的方法不同(猜测哈),就当做个记录,上面的方法不成功是可以试试这个.
      Option? 3
      Boot PROM password has not been set.
      > setenv OSLoadOptions=single
      > printenv
      Unrecognized command "printenv".
      "help" will give a list of commands.
      > printenv
      LoadIdentifiers=Fabric Operating System;Fabric Operating System
      OSLoadOptions=single        //表示交换机将引导到单用户模式
      > saveenv                   //保存,否则不生效
      > boot
      > bootenv OSLoadOptions "quiet;quiet"   //将OSLoadOptions重置为“quiet; quiet”
      > reboot -f
  4. 恢复密码并重启SAN Switch

    sh-2.04# mount -o remount,rw,noatime /      //挂载以下/分区,否则的话没有恢复密码的权限
    EXT3 FS on hda1, internal journal
    sh-2.04# mount /dev/hda2 /mnt/              //把第二个分区也挂载过来,这样可以把2个操作系统的密码都恢复
    kjournald starting.  Commit interval 5 seconds
    EXT3 FS on hda2, internal journal
    EXT3-fs: mounted filesystem with ordered data mode.
    sh-2.04# passwddefault                      //输入passwddefault 来恢复密码
    All account passwords have been successfully set to factory default.
    sh-2.04# reboot -f                          //reboot –f来重启san switch.
    Restarting system.
  5. 开机设置密码

    san1 console login: admin
    Please change passwords for switch default accounts now.
    Use Control-C to exit or press 'Enter' key to proceed.
    Warning:  Access to  the Root  and Factory accounts may be required  for
    proper  support  of  the switch.  Please  ensure  the Root  and  Factory
    passwords are  documented in a secure location.  Recovery of a lost Root
    or Factory password will result in fabric downtime.
    for user - root
    Changing password for root
    Enter new password: 
    Re-type new password: 
    passwd: all authentication tokens updated successfully
    Please change passwords for switch default accounts now.
    for user - factory
    Changing password for factory
    Enter new password: 
    Re-type new password: 
    passwd: all authentication tokens updated successfully
    Please change passwords for switch default accounts now.
    for user - admin
    Changing password for admin
    Enter new password: 
    Re-type new password: 
    passwd: all authentication tokens updated successfully
    Please change passwords for switch default accounts now.
    for user - user
    Changing password for user
    Enter new password: 
    Re-type new password: 
    passwd: all authentication tokens updated successfully
    Saving passwords to stable storage.
    Passwords saved to stable storage successfully

No.2: Firmware升级操作


  1. 备份当前的配置文件
    命令: configupload ,详细信息请看上面维护操作的配置备份.

  2. 查看当前的Firmware版本

    san1:admin> firmwareshow
    Primary partition:  v5.0.1b
    Secondary Partition:    v5.0.1b
    也是Fabric OS的版本:
    san1:admin> version
    Kernel:     2.4.19     
    Fabric OS:  v5.0.1b
    Made on:    Wed Aug 17 21:28:18 2005
    Flash:      Tue Jan 24 05:24:32 2006
    BootProm:   4.5.2
  3. 在FTP Server上解压firmware包
    $ sudo tar zxvf v5.3.2c.tar.gz -C /srv/ftp/ //选择匿名登录,故而解压到/srv/ftp

  4. 使用firmwareDownload命令从FTP服务器下载固件并升级。

    san1:admin> firmwareDownload
    You can run firmwareDownloadStatus to get the status
    of this command.
    This command will cause the switch to reset and will
    require that existing telnet, secure telnet or SSH
    sessions be restarted.
    Do you want to continue [Y]: y
    Server Name or IP Address:        //FTP服务器自个搭建哈
    User Name:                                      //匿名,直接回车
    File Name: v5.1.0/release.plist      //对于5.3.x之前的固件必须指定release.plist,之后的版本release.plist不再需要。
    Password:                                       //匿名用户没密码,直接回车
    Firmwaredownload has started.
    Removing pcmcia-cs-3.1.29-2
    Removing fabos-fss-5.0.1b-9
    Start to install packages......
    dir                         ##################################################
    lkcd                        ##################################################
    sysstat                     ##################################################
    Removing unneeded files, please wait ...
    Finished removing unneeded files. 
    All packages have been downloaded successfully.
    Firmwaredownload has completed successfully.
    HA Rebooting ...
    san1:admin> version
    Kernel:     2.4.19     
    Fabric OS:  v5.1.0
    Made on:    Thu Feb 23 01:55:30 2006
    Flash:      Sat Jan 1 00:11:50 2000
    BootProm:   4.5.3
    san1:admin> firmwareshow
    Primary version:    v5.1.0
    Secondary version:  Unknown
    接着升级到 v6.0.1a 又失败了,只好先升到v5.3.2c,方法一样
    san1:admin> firmwareshow
    Appl     Primary/Secondary Versions 
    FOS      v5.3.2c
    san1:admin> version
    Kernel:     2.6.14     
    Fabric OS:  v5.3.2c
    Made on:    Wed Sep 30 16:51:09 2009
    Flash:      Sat Jan 1 00:27:34 2000
    BootProm:   4.6.5
    接着升级到 v6.0.1a,步骤稍有点不同:
    san1:admin> firmwareDownload
    Server Name or IP Address:
    User Name: 
    File Name: v6.0.1a/release.plist
    Network Protocol(1-auto-select, 2-FTP, 3-SCP) [1]: 2
    Checking system settings for firmwaredownload...
    Protocol selected: FTP
    Trying address-->AF_INET IP:, flags : 2 
    System settings check passed.
    You can run firmwaredownloadstatus to get the status
    of this command.
    This command will cause a warm/non-disruptive boot on the switch,
    but will require that existing telnet, secure telnet or SSH sessions
    be restarted.
    Do you want to continue [Y]: y
    Firmware is being downloaded to the switch. This step may take up to 30 minutes.
    Preparing for firmwaredownload...
    san1:admin> version
    Fabric OS:  v6.0.1a
    Made on:    Thu May 22 17:55:05 2008
    Flash:      Sat Jan 1 00:39:02 2000
    BootProm:   4.6.6
    san1:admin> firmwareshow
    Appl     Primary/Secondary Versions 
    FOS      v6.0.1a
    • 在升级的过程可以用firmwareDownloadStatus查看升级状态
    san1:root> firmwareDownloadStatus
    [1]: Sat Jan  1 00:24:39 2000
    Firmware is being downloaded to the switch. This step may take up to 30 minutes.
    [2]: Sat Jan  1 00:29:27 2000
    Firmware has been downloaded to the secondary partition of the switch.
  5. 注意

    • 我准备直接升级到v6.0.1a的,结果报Firmwaredownload failed. (0x29) The pre-install script failed.错误,猜测应该是不能跨越太大版本.
    • 接着下载了v5.3.2c进行升级,报Cannot upgrade directly to 5.3. Please upgrade to 5.1 or 5.2 first and then upgrade to 5.3.,确定是不能跨越太大版本.

No.3: 级联配置

设备:两台EMC² MP-7500

  1. 确定级联License

    san1:admin> licenseshow 
        Obsolete license
        Obsolete license
        Fabric license            //级联License
        Extended Fabric license   //增加信号许可,两级联设备距离超过10KM,两端交换机都需要购买
  2. 导入级联License
    san01:admin> licenseadd xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  3. 再次查看License
    san1:admin> licenseshow

  4. 更改Domain ID

    san2:admin> switchdisable 
    san2:admin> configure
            Fabric parameters (yes, y, no, n): [no] y
            Domain: (1..239) [1] 2
            R_A_TOV: (4000..120000) [10000] 
            E_D_TOV: (1000..5000) [2000] 
            WAN_TOV: (0..30000) [0] 
            MAX_HOPS: (7..19) [7] 
            Data field size: (256..2112) [2112] 
            Sequence Level Switching: (0..1) [0] 
            Disable Device Probing: (0..1) [0] 
            Suppress Class F Traffic: (0..1) [0] 
            Per-frame Route Priority: (0..1) [0] 
            Long Distance Fabric: (0..1) [0] 
            BB credit: (1..27) [16] 
            Disable FID Check (yes, y, no, n): [no] 
          Insistent Domain ID Mode (yes, y, no, n): [no] 
          Configure edge hold time (yes, y, no, n): [no] 
          Virtual Channel parameters (yes, y, no, n): [no] 
          F-Port login parameters (yes, y, no, n): [no] 
          Zoning Operation parameters (yes, y, no, n): [no] 
          RSCN Transmission Mode (yes, y, no, n): [no] 
          Arbitrated Loop parameters (yes, y, no, n): [no] 
          System services (yes, y, no, n): [no] 
          Portlog events enable (yes, y, no, n): [no] 
          ssl attributes (yes, y, no, n): [no] 
          rpcd attributes (yes, y, no, n): [no] 
          cfgload attributes (yes, y, no, n): [no] 
          webtools attributes (yes, y, no, n): [no] 
        WARNING: The domain ID will be changed. The port level zoning may be affected
        san2:admin> switchenable 
  5. 接级联跳线,并查看Switch端口状态

SAN Switch的zoning配置


  1. cfgenable和cfgdisable是对configuration的启用和关闭,该命令执行结束后无需执行cfgsave
  2. 对Alias,zone,configuration三个对象进行任何操作后都要执行cfgsave保存;
  3. zone配置的命令都可以用zoneHelp帮助命令查到;
  4. 在已有的生产环境中不能去重新建立并enable “configuration”文件(除了整个SAN环境的重建),将新的zone添加到现有的cfg配置中即可

No.1: 概述

配置 Zoning 需要涉及到三个对象的配置 Alias,Zone,Configuration。

  1. Alias(可选、但建议使用):
    别名,可以把设备的 WWN或 ”Domain,Port“ 声明为 Alias,两个作用:

    • 使更好更直观的标示设备。使用 Alias 的主要目的是方便用户的使用(类似身份证号和名字);
    • 声明Alias 的另外一个益处是便于 Zone 中成员的更换。当 Zone 中的某个成员更换时,如果定义了 Alias,只要修改 Alias 的定义而不用修改 Zone 的配置。
  2. Zone
    区域,Zone内的设备可以相互访问,但不能访问其他 Zone 的设备。
    Zone 的成员可以有三种:“Domain,Port“;”WWN”;”Alias"。 Zone 对成员的数量没有限制,可以同时有多个类型的多个设备同时存在于一个 Zone 中。
  3. Configuration
    • 在交换机上的一套关于 Zone 的配置,或者说一系列 Zone 的集合。它可以包含一个或多个 Zone 作为它的成员。
    • 在一个SAN 网络中可以有多个配置文件,但只能有一个处于Effective状态的配置文件,故而所有要使用的zone都要加到Effective状态的配置文件。
    • 在已有的SAN架构中配置新的zone也是加到Effective状态的配置文件,而不是以新的配置文件使其生效。
    • Zoning 的配置可以动态的进行,当使用 cfgEnable 指定某个配置成为生效的配置后,Zoning 的配置会立即在 SAN 网络中生效,隔离 Zone 间的相互访问。

No.2: 创建zoning配置


  1. 创建Alias

    • 基于WWPN的Alias创建:alicreate "Alias_name","WWN"
    • 基于port的Alias创建:alicreate "Alias_name","Domain,prot"
  2. 创建zone
    把别名或端口或WWPN分配到 zone 中,命令格式如下:

    • zonecreate "zone_name","Alias_name;Domain,prot;WWN;..."
    • zone的成员可以都写成别名或prot或WWN,也可以混着写(不建议这么做)
    • zone的成员是以;分割的;
  3. 创建configuration

    • cfgcreate "cfg_name","zone_name;zone_name;..."
  4. 保存配置

  5. 使zone配置生效
    cfgenable "cfg_name"

  6. 实践

    san1:admin> switchshow
    switchDomain:   1
    Area Port Media Speed State 
      0   0   id    N2   Online    F-Port  20:24:00:a0:b8:26:11:a6
      1   1   id    N2   Online    F-Port  20:25:00:a0:b8:26:11:a6
      2   2   id    N2   Online    F-Port  10:00:00:90:fa:ca:87:02
      3   3   id    N2   Online    F-Port  10:00:00:90:fa:ca:87:03
      4   4   id    N2   No_Light  
      5   5   id    N2   No_Light  
      6   6   id    N2   No_Light  
      7   7   id    N2   No_Light  
    san1:admin> alicreate "dsa","20:24:00:a0:b8:26:11:a6"
    san1:admin> alicreate "fc1","1,2"
    san1:admin> zonecreate "dsa_fc1","dsa;fc1"
    san1:admin> zonecreate "dsa_fc2","dsa;1,3"
    san1:admin> zonecreate "dsb_fc1","1,1;10:00:00:90:fa:ca:87:02"
    san1:admin> zonecreate "dsb_fc2","1,1;1,3"
    san1:admin> cfgcreate "cfg0","dsa_fc1;dsa_fc2;dsb_fc1;dsb_fc2"
    san1:admin> cfgshow
    Defined configuration:
     cfg:   cfg0    dsa_fc1; dsa_fc2; dsb_fc1; dsb_fc2
     zone:  dsa_fc1 dsa; fc1
     zone:  dsa_fc2 dsa; 1,3
     zone:  dsb_fc1 1,1; 10:00:00:90:fa:ca:87:02
     zone:  dsb_fc2 1,1; 1,3
     alias: dsa 20:24:00:a0:b8:26:11:a6
     alias: fc1 1,2
    Effective configuration:
     no configuration in effect
    san1:admin> cfgsave
    You are about to save the Defined zoning configuration. This 
    action will only save the changes on Defined configuration. 
    Any changes made on the Effective configuration will not 
    take effect until it is re-enabled.
    Do you want to save Defined zoning configuration only?  (yes, y, no, n): [no] yes
    Updating flash ...
    san1:admin> cfgenble cfg0
    • 上述中是为了演示各种配置方式,zone成员采用了多种混合的方式表示的,正常情况是统一的一种方式。

No.3: 维护zoning配置

  1. 移除zone的成员: zoneremove "zone_name","要移除的成员(Alias或WWN或Domain,port)"
    san1:admin> cfgshow
     zone:  dsb_fc2 1,1; 1,3
    san1:admin> zoneremove "dsb_fc2","1,3"
    san1:admin> cfgshow
     zone:  dsb_fc2 1,1
  2. 向zone中添加成员: zoneadd "zone_name","要添加的成员(Alias或WWN或Domain,port)"
    san1:admin> zoneadd "dsb_fc2","1,3"
    san1:admin> cfgshow
     zone:  dsb_fc2 1,1; 1,3
  3. 在配置文件中移除zone: cfgremove "cfg_name","要移除的zone"
    san1:admin> cfgshow
    Defined configuration:
    cfg:  cfg0    dsa_fc1; dsa_fc2; dsb_fc1; dsb_fc2
    san1:admin> cfgremove "cfg0","dsb_fc2"
    san1:admin> cfgshow
    Defined configuration:
    cfg:  cfg0    dsa_fc1; dsa_fc2; dsb_fc1
  4. 向已有配置文件添加zone: cfgadd "cfg_name","要添加的zone"
    san1:admin> cfgadd "cfg0","dsb_fc2"
    san1:admin> cfgshow
    Defined configuration:
    cfg:   cfg0    dsa_fc1; dsa_fc2; dsb_fc1; dsb_fc2
  5. 注意
    • **一次的维护操作结束后应执行cfgsave进行保存;***
    • 维护操作结束后还应执行cfgenable cfg_name,让配置立即生效.

No.4: 删除zoning配置

  1. 先看看当前的配置

    san1:admin> cfgshow
    Defined configuration:
     cfg:   cfg0    dsa_fc1; dsa_fc2; dsb_fc1; dsb_fc2
     zone:  dsa_fc1 dsa; fc1
     zone:  dsa_fc2 dsa; fc2
     zone:  dsb_fc1 dsb; fc1
     zone:  dsb_fc2 dsb; fc2
     alias: dsa 1,0
     alias: dsb 1,1
     alias: fc1 1,2
     alias: fc2 1,3
    Effective configuration:
     cfg:   cfg0    
     zone:  dsa_fc1 1,0
     zone:  dsa_fc2 1,0
     zone:  dsb_fc1 1,1
     zone:  dsb_fc2 1,1
  2. 清除当前所有zoning配置

    • 先关闭处于Effective状态的配置文件,命令:cfgdisable
    • 接着清除当前所有zone配置,命令: cfgclear
    • 保存当前设置(如果不保存交换机重启后原来的配置还在),命令: cfgsave
    • 实践:
    san1:admin> cfgdisable
    You are about to disable zoning configuration. This
    action will disable any previous zoning configuration enabled.
    Do you want to disable zoning configuration? (yes, y, no, n): [no] yes
    Updating flash ...
    san1:admin> cfgclear 
    The Clear All action will clear all Aliases, Zones, FA Zones 
    and configurations in the Defined configuration.
    Do you really want to clear all configurations?  (yes, y, no, n): [no] yes
    san1:admin> cfgsave
    You are about to save the Defined zoning configuration. This 
    action will only save the changes on Defined configuration. 
    Any changes made on the Effective configuration will not 
    take effect until it is re-enabled.
    Do you want to save Defined zoning configuration only?  (yes, y, no, n): [no] yes
    Updating flash ...
    san1:admin> reboot
    dream@Mint ~ $ telnet
    san1:admin> cfgshow
    Defined configuration:
     no configuration defined
    Effective configuration:
     no configuration in effect
  3. 删除单个对象

    • 删除Alias: alidelete Alias_name
    • 删除zone: zonedelete zone_name
    • 删除configuration: cfgdelete cfg_name
    • 实践:
      san1:admin> alidelete dsa
      san1:admin> zonedelete dsa_fc1
      san1:admin> cfgdelete cfg0
      san1:admin> cfgsave


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